Contact center software is developed for the purpose of delivering quality customer service. They allow a company to efficiently provide support, answer customer questions, and maintain a positive relationship with its clients. A contact center solution should therefore have features that help in streamlining the entire process of customer interaction and improving customer experience. A quality contact center software should have the following features;
- CRM Integration
Agents should never enter a call without the customer’s data and the right information to help the customer. Customers get frustrated when they have to repeat themselves because an agent does not have historical data. The CRM provides a personalized customer experience as the contact center agent is able to retrieve contact information and history. Research has shown that 62% of customers find that an agent’s knowledge and resourcefulness played a key role in positive customer experiences.
- Omnichannel
Most companies have multiple channels which customers can use to contact them which is good. However, when a customer is not able to follow up a conversation from one channel to another without having to start over, dissatisfaction kicks in. When your channels are connected data is shared across all channels which helps your contact center agents to deliver unified communication. This means that a customer can switch from one channel to another and still get the help that they need.
- Interactive Voice Response IVR
If a company is able to anticipate callbacks about a product or service, they may opt to use IVR. The customers can then connect to a live agent if their issue has not been solved through the IVR. This allows them to help callers navigate their problem any time of the day or night without having to wait in a queue to speak to an agent. They relieve contact center agents to handle complex issues and are more affordable for businesses in the long haul.
- Automatic Call Distribution ACD
When a customer calls, they should be connected to the right agent right away. This reduces the waiting time of customers and enhances their customer experience. Ways in which calls can be routed are; Location-based, performance-based, least occupied routing, etc. It is easier to customize the sequence or criteria of routing customer calls if you are using a cloud-based center solution. To check our cloud-based contact center solution click HERE.
- Live Call Transfer
In the past, if an agent was unable to solve an issue, he would disconnect the call and try to find the solution then perhaps call back the customer. With live call transfer, the contact center agent can transfer the call to someone in another department or his senior without disconnecting the customer’s call.
6. Analytical Reports
Looking at data from your business is the best way to make informed decisions. Analytical reports let you find out key metrics, such as how many calls were missed & answered, what the traffic was like from different regions, new and returning callers, and more. Staffing decisions, scheduling agents, and performance reviews can be easier when relying on analytics. We’re not the only company to think this and we’re seeing more and more companies make use of this type of data in their decision-making process.
- Workforce Management
Automated workforce management has replaced manual workforce and increased productivity. Complex tasks such as forecasting, agent scheduling, and intraday adjustments aid in having the right agents at the right time. Accurate workforce management practices enable the right staffing levels which impact service levels, customer experience, agent satisfaction, and labor costs.
A contact center software is as good as the features it offers. Every customer interaction is an opportunity for a company to establish and strengthen its relationships with clients. Contact center software can help your business use all its resources effectively and grow exponentially. It will allow you to efficiently handle customers’ queries and complaints with minimum human intervention, so you can focus on higher-value activities like HR or sales or IT infrastructure management.
In conclusion, A contact center not only needs well-spoken agents, but also efficient contact center software to support them. An efficient system would not only minimize their efforts but also boost their productivity and performance.